Sino-Singapore Symposium on Advanced Materials for Healthectronics (S3 AM-2024)will be held on 15-17 November 2024 at Xiamen, China. This symposium is co-chaired by Academician Professor HUANG Wei, the esteemed leader in the field of Flexible Electronics, Professor LOH Xian Jun, Executive Director of the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Professor HUO Fengwei, Standing Vice Head of Institute of Flexible Electronics (Future Technologies), Xiamen University, and Academician Professor LIU Xiaogang, Provost's Chair Professor at National University of Signapore.
中国-新加坡健康电子先进材料双边论坛(S3 AM-2024)将于2024年11月15日至17日在中国厦门举行。本次论坛由“柔性电子之父”黄维院士、新加坡材料研究院(IMRE)执行院长罗贤俊教授、厦门大学柔性电子(未来技术)研究院(厦大IFE)常务副院长霍峰蔚教授、新加坡国立大学刘小钢院士担任大会主席。
This symposium will feature a line up of top speakers comprising President Awardees from Singapore, excellent scientists from both China and Singapore, editors-in-chief and editors, top industry collaborators. It will also see the signing of a joint lab agreement between Xiamen IFE and IMRE, which will deepen the collaboration between China and Singapore in the area of advanced materials and flexible electronics. We will will also be giving out the International Rising Star awards, International Entrepreneur Award and Global Frontier Fellow awards at this symposium. We welcome all academic, industry and commercial participation!