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谢瑞杰 ▍XIE Ruijie

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023年08月02日 阅读:

      1. 个人简历

        谢瑞杰,汉族,群众。2014年和2019年在山西农业大学、南京工业大学分别获学士和博士学位。2020年至2021年在中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院开展博士后工作,2022年至今在厦门大学担任助理教授。先后在npj Flexible Electronics、Journal of Materials Chemistry C等国际知名期刊上发表研究论文20篇,SCI引用400次,授权国内专利3项,主持中国博士后面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、厦门大学校长基金等多项科研项目。

      2. 联系方式


      3. 研究方向





      4. 近期代表作

1. Xie RJ, Li QS, Teng LJ, Cao ZS, Han F, Tian Q, Sun J, Zhao Y, Yu M, Qi DP, Guo PZ, Li GL*, Huo FW*, Liu ZY*, Strenuous exercise-tolerance stretchable dry electrodes for continuous multi-channel electrophysiological monitoring. npj Flexible Electronics 2022.

2. Xie RJ#, Zhu JY#, Wu HB#, Zhang K, Zou BH, Zhang XY, Liang JY, Zheng B, Li S, Zhang WN, Huang W, Wu JS*, Huo FW*, 3D-conductive pathway written on leather for highly sensitive and durable electronic whisker, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2020.

3. Xie RJ#, Hou SS#, Chen YY, Zhang K, Zou BH, Liu YH, Liang JY, Guo SH, Li HF, Zheng B, Li S, Zhang WN, Wu JS*, Huo FW*, Leather-based strain sensor with hierarchical structure for motion monitoring, Advanced Material Technologies 2019.

4. Xie RJ#, Du QJ#, Zou BH, Chen YY, Zhang K, Liu YH, Liang JY, Zheng B, Li S, Zhang WN, Wu JS*, Huo FW*, Wearable leather-based electronics for respiration monitoring, ACS Applied Bio Materials 2019.

5. Chen YY#, Xie RJ#, Zou BH, Liu YH, Zhang K, Li S, Zheng B, Zhang WN, Wu JS*, Huo FW*, CNT@leather-based electronic bidirectional pressure sensor, Science China Technological Sciences 2020.

6. Zhang BL#, Xie RJ#, Jiang JM#, Hao SP, Fang B, Zhang JX, Bai H*, Peng B, Li L, Liu ZY*, & Fu L*, Implantable neural electrodes: from preparation optimization to application, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2023.

7. Liu W, Xie RJ, Zhu JY, Wu JS, Hui JF*, Zheng XY, Huo FW*, & Fan DD*, A temperature responsive adhesive hydrogel for fabrication of flexible electronic sensors. npj Flexible Electronics 2022.

上一条:侯雅琦 ▍HOU Yaqi