1. 个人简历
吴西湖,汉族,中共党员。2022年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学电气电子工程学院,2024年入职厦门大学柔性电子 (未来技术) 研究院担任副教授。主要从事新型混合离子-电子有机导体材料及器件的研究工作。先后在Nature Communication, Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials等期刊发表研究论文20余篇。
2. 联系方式
3. 研究方向
4. 近期代表作:
1. Laswick Z.†, Wu X.†, Surendran A., Zhou Z., Ji X., Matrone G*, Leong W.L.*, Rivnay J.* “Tunable Anti-Ambipolar Vertical Bilayer Organic Electrochemical Transistor enable Neuromorphic Retinal Pathway” Nature Communication 2024.
2. Wu X., He Q., Zhou Z., Tam TLD*, Tang G. C., Lin M., Moser M., Griggs S., Marks A., Chen S., Xu J., McCulloch I., Leong W.L.*. “Stable n-type perylene derivative ladder polymer with antiambipolarity for electrically reconfigurable organic logic gates” Advanced Materials 2024.
3. Wu X., Tam TLD*, Chen S., Salim T., Zhao X., Zhou Z., Lin M., Xu J., Loo Y-L., Leong W.L.*. "All Polymer Bulk Heterojunction Organic Electrochemical Transistors with Balanced Ionic and Electronic Transport." Advanced Materials 2022.
4. Wu X†, Surendran A.†, Ko J., Filonik O., Herzig E. M., Buschbaum M. P., Leong W.L.*. "Ionic‐liquid doping enables high transconductance, fast response time, and high ion sensitivity in organic electrochemical transistors." Advanced Materials 2019.
5. Wu X., Tang H., Zhou Z., Salim T., Tang G. C., Huang F.*, Leong W.L.*. “Improved stability and performance of n-type depletion mode poly(benzodifurandione) based organic electrochemical transistor via electrolyte selection” Chemistry of Materials 2024.
6. Wu X., Chen S., Moser M., Moudgil A., Griggs S., Marks A., Li T., McCulloch I., and Leong W.L.*. "High Performing Solid‐State Organic Electrochemical Transistors Enabled by Glycolated Polythiophene and Ion‐Gel Electrolyte with a Wide Operation Temperature Range from- 50 to 110°C." Advanced Functional Materials 2022.
7. Wu X., Stephen M., Hidalgo C. T., Salim T., Surgailis J., Surendran A., Su X., Li T., Inal S., and Leong W.L.. "Ionic‐Liquid Induced Morphology Tuning of PEDOT: PSS for High‐Performance Organic Electrochemical Transistors." Advanced Functional Materials 2021.
8. Wu X.†, Liu Q.†, Surendran A., Bottle E. S., Sonar P., and Leong W.L.*. "Enhancing the Electrochemical Doping Efficiency in Diketopyrrolopyrrole‐Based Polymer for Organic Electrochemical
Transistors." Advanced Electronic Materials 2021.
9. Wu X., Surendran A., Moser M., Chen S., Muhammad T. B., Maria P. I., McCulloch I., and Leong W.L.*. "Universal Spray-Deposition Process for Scalable, High-Performance, and Stable Organic Electrochemical Transistors." ACS applied materials & interfaces 2020.
10. Ko J.†, Wu X.†, Surendran A., Muhammad T. B., and Leong W.L.*. "Self-Healable Organic Electrochemical Transistor with High Transconductance, Fast Response, and Long-Term Stability." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020.