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王晓 ▍WANG Xiao

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023年08月02日 阅读:

1. 个人简历

王晓,汉族,副教授,博士生导师。2013年在郑州大学获得工学学士学位,2017年赴美国弗吉尼亚大学联合培养,2019年在中国科学技术大学获得理学博士学位。2019年在西北工业大学从事博士后研究,2022年至今在厦门大学柔性电子(未来技术)研究院担任副教授。近年来,先后在Nature PhotonicsNature CommunicationsAngewandte Chemie International Edition等高水平期刊发表论文10余篇。主持国家博士后创新人才支持计划、博士后科学基金面上项目、厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才支持计划等科研项目。

2. 联系方式


3. 研究方向





4. 近期代表作

1. Wu BZ; Hu K; Wang X*, Zhang GQ*, Biomimetic approach toward kinetically stable AIE-gens under physiological conditions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2023.

2. Zhou ZX; Xie XY; Sun ZL; Wang X*, An ZF*, Huang W*, Recent advances in metal-free phosphorescent materials for organic light-emitting diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2023.

3. Wang X, Niu GW, Zhou ZX, Song ZC, Qin K, Yao XK, Yang ZJ, Wang XZ, Wang H, Liu Z, Yin CZ, Ma HL, Shen K, Shi HF, Yin J, Chen QS, An ZF*, Huang W*, Halogenated thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials for efficient scintillation, Research, 2023.

4. Wang X, Sun WJ, Shi HF, Ma HL, Niu GW, Li YX, Zhi JH, Yao XK, Song ZC, Chen L, Li S, Yang GH, Zhou ZX, He YX, Qu SL, Wu M, Zhao Z, Yin CZ, Lin CY, Gao J, Li QY, Zhen X, Li L, Chen XY, Liu XG, An Zhongfu*, Chen HM*, Huang W*, Organic phosphorescent nanoscintillator for low-dose X-ray-induced photodynamic therapy, Nature Communications 2022.

5. Wang X, Shi HF, Ma HL, Ye WP, Song LL, Zan J, Yao XK, Ou XY, Yang GH, Zhao Z, Singh M, Lin CY, Wang H, Jia WY, Wang Q, Zhi JH, Dong CM, Jiang XY, Tang YA, Xie XJ, Yang Y, Wang JP, Chen QS, Wang Y, Yang HH, Zhang GQ, An ZF*, Liu XG*, Huang W*, Organic phosphors with bright triplet excitons for efficient X-ray-excited luminescence, Nature Photonics 2021.

6. Dong CM, Wang X (co-first), Gong WQ, Ma WB, Zhang M, Li JJ, Zhang Y, Zhou ZX, Yang ZJ, Qu SL, Wang Q, Zhao Z, Yang GH, Lv AQ, Ma HL, Chen QS, Shi HF*, Yang Y*, An ZF*, Influence of isomerism on radioluminescence of purely organic phosphorescence scintillators, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021.

7. Song LL, Wang X (co-first), Zhang M, Jia WY, Wang Q, Ye WP, Wang H, Lv AQ, Ma HL, Gu L, Shi HF*, An ZF*, Huang W*, A single-component supramolecular organic framework with efficient ultralong phosphorescence, CCS Chemistry 2021.

8. Gu L, Wang X (co-first), Singh M, Shi HF, Ma HL*, An ZF*, Huang W*, Organic room-temperature phosphorescent materials: from static to dynamic, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020.

9. Wang X, Han YF, Liu YY, Zou G*, Gao Z, Wang F*, Cooperative supramolecular polymerization of fluorescent platinum acetylides for optical waveguide applications, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017.

10. Wang X, Gao ZC, Zhu JL, Gao Z, Wang F*, Aggregation induced emission of a cyanostilbene amphiphile as a novel platform for FRET-based ratiometric sensing of mercury ions in water. Polymer Chemistry 2016.