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唐 芳 ▍TANG Fang

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023年09月04日 阅读:

1. 个人简历

唐芳,博士后。2015年和2022年在安徽大学和北京师范大学分别获学士和博士学位。先后在ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesSensors Chemical B等国际知名期刊上发表研究论文20余篇、SCI引用300余次,申请专利2项。

2. 联系方式


3. 研究方向


4. 近期代表作

1. Huang Z, Ding A, Yang J*, Wang C & Tang F*, Conjugating coumarin with tetraphenylethylene to achieve dual‐state emission for reversible mechanofluorochromism and live cell imaging, Chemistry-A European Journal 2023.

2. Tang F, Gao Y, Wang Q, Liang Y, Lu Z* & Ding A*. NIR AIE fluoroamphiphile as visually trackable and serum-tolerant nonviral gene carrier, Bioconjugate Chemistry 2022.

3. Huang Z#, Tang F# (co-first), He F, Kong L, Huang J, Yang J* & Ding A*. Pyrene and triphenylamine substituted cyanostyrene and cyanostilbene derivatives with dual-state emission for high contrast mechanofluorochromism and cell imaging, Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2022.

4. Tang F, Liu JY, Wu CY, Liang YX, Lu Z, Ding A* & Xu M*. Two-photon near‐infrared AIE luminogens as multifunctional gene carriers for cancer theranostics, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 2021.

5. Tang F, Gao C, Liu JY, Lu Z*, He L*, & Ding A*. Lysosome-targeting BODIPY-derived Hantzsch ester for nitric oxide detection and imaging in live cells, Sensors Actuators B: Chemical 2021.