1. 个人简历
黄泽,汉族,博士后。2020年和2023年分别在在安徽大学获得硕士和博士学位。先后在Chemistry-A European Journal, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, Journal of Materials Chemistry B等国际知名期刊上发表研究论文10余篇,SCI他引200余次,授权国内专利1项。
2. 联系方式
3. 研究方向
(1) 线粒体超分辨荧光成像;
(2) 线粒体光动力治疗。
4. 近期代表作
1. Huang Z, Ding AX, Yang JX*, Wang CY, Tang F*, Conjugating coumarin with tetraphenylethylene to achieve dual‐state emission for reversible mechanofluorochromism and live cell imaging, Chemistry-A European Journal 2023.
2. Huang Z, Tang F, He F, Huang JY, Yang JX*, Ding AX*, Pyrene and triphenylamine substituted cyanostyrene and cyanostilbene derivatives with dual-state emission for high-contrast mechanofluorochromism and cell imaging. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2022.
3. Huang Z, Tang F*, Ding AX, He F, Huang JY, Kong L, Yang JX*, D-A-D structured triphenylamine fluorophore with bright dual-state emission for reversible mechanofluorochromism and trace water detection, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 2023.
4. Huang Z, Yang L, Kong L*, Yang JX, Two-photon fluorescent detection of Cu2+ in live cells through ZnS-microhybrid constructed from interfacial coordination bridge of thiocyanate, Dyes and Pigments 2020.
5. Huang Z, Gao L, Kong L*, Yang JX, Li L*, In vivo two-photon imaging/excited photothermal therapy strategy of a silver-nanohybrid, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2019.